Swimsuit Season Beast Mode:
The Slimfast 14-Day Slimdown

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This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Slimfast, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #14daystoslim  http://my-disclosur.es/OBsstV

Lose up to 6 pounds in 2 weeks with Slimfast's 14-Day Slimdown Challenge!


The time has come. I’ve hit the 60-day countdown for Miss Florida, and I’ve got to get to work. I’m scheduled to attend several pool parties in the next few weeks, which of course precede my potentially embarrassing swimsuit strut on the Miss Florida stage in mid-July. Although my primary focus will be toning and honing in on my fitness, I could stand to lose a few pounds. In order to get my butt in gear, I’m starting my dietary efforts with the Slimfast 14-Day Slimdown Program.


The program is incredibly easy to use and is a convenient way to lose up to 6 pounds (heyo!) in the first 2 weeks.


Lose up to 6 pounds in 2 weeks with Slimfast's 14-Day Slimdown Challenge!
Lose up to 6 pounds in 2 weeks with Slimfast's 14-Day Slimdown Challenge!


Here are the steps:


  1. Swap two meals daily with a Slimfast protein shake or meal bar.

  2. Your third meal must be 500 calories. I know it sounds tough, but there are a ton of delicious meal options that meet this criteria. Here are a few ideas. You can follow them on Pinterest, too, for new recipes on the reg.

  3. Enjoy three 100-calorie snacks or pieces of fruit per day. I always make sure I carry a few emergency snacks in my purse, just to avoid those insatiable 2PM binges.

  4. Try not to exceed 1200 calories per day. Use mobile tracking apps like MyFitnessPal to track your daily caloric intake.

  5. Do at least 30 minutes of light to medium exercise daily. Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water, too.


See? Easy peasy. Plus, Slimfast just released an amazing limited edition Piña Colada Protein Milk Shake, and it’s divine. It tastes like a legitimate tropical cocktail, but it only has 180 calories. It’s been available since April, and you can find it in any drug or mass retailers nationwide.


Lose up to 6 pounds in 2 weeks with Slimfast's 14-Day Slimdown Challenge!


Oh, and for working girls on the go, like moi, this program is super easy to follow and fits into my schedule like a glove. I do weekly grocery runs on Sunday evening, so I’m stocked for the work week, which is prime cheating time. I have my shake for breakfast and for dinner, leaving lunch open for business meetings, and I do my 30 minutes of jogging when I get home from work around 7. Not only am I feeling more energetic, but these little lifestyle changes have already created a noticeable difference in my body and in my mood. Bring on the protein, Slimfast!


Lose up to 6 pounds in 2 weeks with Slimfast's 14-Day Slimdown Challenge!
Lose up to 6 pounds in 2 weeks with Slimfast's 14-Day Slimdown Challenge!


Also, I hate to admit it, but I’m a tad bit scared to try on certain garments in my closet. A lot of my pageant wardrobe from 2 years ago probably/maybe/definitely won’t fit me anymore, and it’s depressing every time I see those gorgeous garments hanging amongst the lowly peasant shrouds. That’s why I’m taking the pledge to “unlock my closet” with the Slimfast 14-Day Slimdown. Y’all should enter, too, by visiting the Slimfast Facebook page and entering to win one of TWO $5,000 gift cards to buy yourself a hip and fresh wardrobe in their 14-Day Challenge Sweepstakes. The contest ends on May 27th, so enter now if you’re in the market for a boatload of new clothes. Don’t feel like you’re alone, either. According to a new Slimfast survey, 79% of women frequently dread getting dressed because of ill-fitting clothes in their closet, and 90% of women admit they keep items that don’t currently fit (Guilty with a capital G).


Will you be jumping aboard the 14-Day Slimdown bandwagon? No joke, y’all, you should give it a try if you’re on the lookout for a hot summer bod. It can’t hurt, and if nothing else, it’s a great incentivizer to keep toning those buns.


Have a great rest of your week!



♥ Stephanie


11 thoughts on “Swimsuit Season Beast Mode:
The Slimfast 14-Day Slimdown

  1. Lolli

    I am desperate to loose some weight, and I actually like Slimfast shakes! I might have to give this plan a try. I really want to try the Pina Colada shake!

  2. Michelle

    I have been on the verge of finding a new option to shed these lingering pounds. This pina colada flavor sounds amazing. Thanks for sharing the 14 day challenge.

  3. Jessica

    I wish I had read this a couple weeks ago. I am headed to Florida in a few days for a week on the beach. It would have been great if I had done this beforehand.

  4. Zelle B.

    Do you ever get hungry with just the slim fast shake for breakfast and dinner? That Pina Colada shake looks like it could be pretty good!

  5. Blogger Ash

    I think I want to do this before I got on my cruise this summer. Good luck in Miss Florida! Can't wait to hear about it!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  6. Sheila Simmons

    I like Slimfast but I can't drink it because I'm lactose intolerant. I had a client that needed to lose weight for her wedding and I put her on the Slimfast diet because she waited 8 weeks before her wedding to get in shape. I got her down from a size 16 to a 10 by working out 6 days a week and doing the Slimfast diet.


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