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Today’s guest post is written by Roxana from HighStyleLife and StyleByAsia. Enjoy!
As corny and worn out as it may sound, true beauty really comes from within us – not only on a spiritual level but on a cellular basis as well. Our skin cells get renewed about once a week which means that all the food you consume within this period of time gets transformed during the metabolic processes into the new layer of epidermis. This also means that you can achieve first visible results and regain a youthful look within a few days. So, what food is your best ally in skin rejuvenation? I have done a little research and it turns out that there are several key nutrients you should focus on to achieve picture-perfect results:
Vitamin A
Retinol, or more commonly known as vitamin A, helps your skin’s cellular turnover and is very effective in preventing the appearance of blackheads and zits which makes it a great natural remedy against nasty acne. Vitamin A is best consumed from cod liver or kidney, cream and butter from pastured cows and egg yolks from pastured chickens. I find it way easier to take it in the form of cod liver oil – less smell, less mess.
One of the key nutrients to healthy skin is certainly zinc since it helps in building cell membranes, improves wound healing, has anti-inflammatory effects and protects against harmful UV radiation. It is mostly found in red meat (like beef and lamb) and various types of seafood. If, just like me, you’re not an avid fan of oysters or shellfish, then you could take it from pumpkin seeds and other nuts.
Vitamin C
Nature’s favorite antioxidant – vitamin C – plays an important role in fighting against the damaging effects of free radicals, among its many benefits. My favorite way to take in plenty of vitamin C is definitely through freshly squeezed lemonade or orange juice, but you can take cabbage as well and fresh green salads. For a quick fix on the go and during the winter season when the tropical fruits’ supplies are running scarce, take this nutrient through natural supplementation and immune tonics, like they have at Fusion Health. I love their wide variety, surely you will too.
Omega 3
These fatty acids are actually a group of fats you will enjoy ingesting, since they help you reduce body weight by enhancing the blood flow. Omega 3 fatty acids are known for their anti-inflammatory effects which means that they reduce symptoms and swelling caused by acute acne and redness from psoriasis. These acids are found in various fish like tuna, sardines, salmon and anchovies. Again, if you don’t fancy the fishy smell, turn to avocado instead.
Vitamin E
Another great antioxidant to have in your health arsenal is vitamin E. It coats the outer layer of our skin and protects it from harsh, negative impacts of environmental conditions. This makes it an amazing natural protector from the UV Sun-rays so be sure to eat a lot of vegetable oils, spinach, turnip greens, chard, sunflower seeds, almonds, bell peppers, asparagus, collards, kale, broccoli, and brussels sprouts during summertime.
So, when you think about it, at the end of the day we end up being what we eat. Try and make simple changes at first, take out your most sinful carb-packed snack and replace it with one of these super nutrients and measure your progress daily. Take a few selfies, examine our pores closely and you will surely notice a small difference after a week or so. Every following week make a new switch of foods and soon enough your diet will be more balanced with skin-cleansing nutrients. You will look younger and more vital in no time!
About the (Fabulous) Author: Roxana is a travel enthusiast from Sydney and she loves to write about her adventures. She is all about the healthy lifestyle, loves to run with her husband and dogs and has fun cooking exotic meals for her family. Being a typical Aussie, she often hits the waves and loves beaches and sunshine! You can find her articles on HighStyleLife and StyleByAsia!